Suspected drug driver arrested after driving ten tonne vehicle in Northumberland

Suspected drug driver arrested after driving ten tonne vehicle in NorthumberlandSuspected drug driver arrested after driving ten tonne vehicle in Northumberland
Suspected drug driver arrested after driving ten tonne vehicle in Northumberland
The man remains under investigation.

A suspected drug driver who was behind the wheel of a ten tonne wagon has been arrested as part of a rural road safety operation in Northumberland.

Last week, officers from Northumbria Police’s Motor Patrols Department carried out a planned two-day operation aimed to tackle unsafe drivers and vehicles travelling on Northumberland’s rural roads.

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The operation was focused around the Hexham and Alnwick areas and one driver of a ten tonne scaffolding wagon tested positive for being under the influence of drugs.

The 47-year-old man was subsequently arrested and remains under investigation by the police force.

As part of the operation, eight other commercial vehicles were taken off the roads after being handed immediate roadside restrictions, while several warnings were also issued for tachograph offences. Tachographs record information about driving time, speed and distance.

Sergeant Andrew Ferguson, of Northumbria Police, led the operation. He said: “Sadly we know first-hand of the devastating consequences that unsecure loads or poor vehicle conditions can lead.

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“That’s why we ran this operation, focusing on some of the lesser-known rural roads in Northumberland which we know some larger vehicles do travel down, in order to make sure drivers are taking the necessary steps to protect all road users.

“We all have a responsibility to make our roads as safe as they possibly can be – and ultimately, if you get behind the wheel of a HGV or car and that vehicle is not in a good working condition, you are putting lives in danger.

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