North Tyneside paedophile convicted as police find more than 100 child porn images

News from Northumbria Police.News from Northumbria Police.
News from Northumbria Police.
The sex offender kept hundreds of indecent images of children on his devices

A Killingworth paedophile has been convicted of sex offences after police found over 100 indecent images of children at his home.

Christopher Dyne was interviewed by specialist detectives from Northumbria Police in 2018 after a search warrant at his home address led to some shocking finds.

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Detectives from the Paedophile Online Investigation Team (POLIT) seized 42 devices including a laptop, mobile phone and multiple hard drives – some of which were found to hold over 100 indecent images of children.

Dyne first came onto police radar when officers received information that he was suspected of using file sharing software to access and offer distribution of indecent images.

At the time, the 39-year-old claimed they had been accidentally downloaded from the internet.

However, further investigation by the Force’s digital media investigators was able to show Dyne knew about the images and had been moving them between his devices.

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Dyne, of Sedgemoor, Killingworth, was subsequently summonsed to court and last Thursday (January 27), he was convicted of eight counts of making indecent images of children after being found guilty at Newcastle Crown Court.

Devices were seized from the manDevices were seized from the man
Devices were seized from the man

Speaking after the conviction, Detective Constable Ian Beecroft, from the Northumbria Police POLIT, said:

“This has been a long and thorough investigation by our team to ensure success at court and involved months of trawling through electronic devices to gather the evidence needed to secure a conviction.

“Dyne had multiple devices in his possession and despite his attempts to deceive officers and a jury, he has finally seen justice for his vile actions.

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“I would always encourage anyone with information about this type of offending, or anyone who thinks they have been a victim to come forward and talk to us.

“You will be heard and supported, and we will work hard to ensure any offenders are brought before a judge.”

Dyne is due to be sentenced at Newcastle Crown Court on March 21.