The Old Coal Yard on Elizabeth Street near Byker Bridge has a 4.9 out of five rating from 90 reviews.The Old Coal Yard on Elizabeth Street near Byker Bridge has a 4.9 out of five rating from 90 reviews.
The Old Coal Yard on Elizabeth Street near Byker Bridge has a 4.9 out of five rating from 90 reviews.

Nine of the top 'hidden gem' pubs and bars in Newcastle according to customer Google reviews

There are very few better things than finding a new favourite pub.

Hidden gems can be found all over the North East with Newcastle offering some fantastic unknown sites regardless of what you are looking for.

Here we take a look at the top rated pubs in Newcastle which have been described as “hidden gems” by Google reviews from customers.

Have a look and you may find a new favourite boozer, or at least feel great you found one first!

Have a look and you may find a new favourite boozer, or at least feel great you found one first!