The 10 biggest cities in England by population and where Newcastle is rankedThe 10 biggest cities in England by population and where Newcastle is ranked
The 10 biggest cities in England by population and where Newcastle is ranked

The 10 biggest cities in England by population and where Newcastle is ranked

We all love Newcastle, but where does it rank among the nation’s highest populated cities?

It is well known across the North East that Newcastle is one of the best cities in the country but it is also among the top ranked in terms of population.

We are using the Centre For Cities statistics for this information as it uses primary urban areas to define a city – a definition created by the Department for Communities and Local Government as a statistical tool for analysing the major cities of England.

London is the most populated city in England and is also the only city to house more than ten million people, but how does the rest of the country compare, and where does Newcastle rank?