A hidden Iron Man, vampire bunny and river god: A guide to Newcastle’s weird and wonderful street art

Newcasle’s city centre boasts some incredible street art, but a lot of it is hidden.

How often do you really take in the streets of Newcastle? I’ll admit, when I’m in town my head is usually down, headphones in and moving too quickly to realise what’s around me.

I can’t remember the last time I wandered around, looking up and walking around corners I’ve yet to visit. As it turns out, there is so much to see.

Our friends over at Fabulous North curate and archive the most incredible parts of the North East, revealing the hidden meanings behind our culture, buildings and art.

Newcastle’s street art is fascinating, from the graffiti completed just last week to the hidden statues that have lurked on cathedral walls for hundreds of years.

So here is a list of some of Newcastle’s quirkiest offerings. From dozens of hidden invader street art to a Iron Man puppet once used by Pete Townshend

Next time in town, you’re going to want to look up.